Browse our extensive collection of frequently asked questions and answers designed specifically for buyers. If you don’t see an answer to a question you have or if you want to discuss anything related to buying a new home, the Magnificent Manors Team is here to answer your calls or texts, or respond to your emails.
- Appraisals & Market Value
- Condominiums & Townhomes
- Escrow & Closing Costs
- Finding the Right Home
- Fixer-Uppers
- Foreclosures
- Home Inspections & Warranties
- Insurance
- Interest Rates
- Lease Options
- Making an Offer
- Negotiating
- Negotiating and Closing a Good Deal
- New Homes & Vacation Homes
- Property Taxes
- Tax Considerations
- Tenants-In-Common and Co-ops
- What You Can Afford
- Whom to Contact (How to Buy)